Friday, March 1, 2019

What's Your Secret Sauce?

My opinion on my personal human capital:

1. Determined / Disciplined

2. Adept at independent / collaborative work

3. Humble / Humanitarian

4. Knowledgeable / Trustworthy

5. Artistic / Innovative

My interviews

Listen to Entrepreneurship 16A by flexdynomite #np on #SoundCloud

Through these conducted interviews, I have gained additional knowledge and critique for my innovation and entrepreneurial pursuits. I have also received new information from potential buyers to further understand the dynamics of my buyers' behaviors.

Before and after this addition of my entrepreneurial blog, I believe that I have maintained consistent beliefs and pursuits, which ultimately allows me maintain my goals and purpose of this pursuit.

The people that I have interviewed seemed to have a similar look on my entrepreneurial characteristics. They all gave me positive feedback and encouraged me to keep pursuing this venture. To summarize their opinions, I was told that I was a good leader, an independent/driven worker, and that I have a diverse background to deal with various scenarios.


  1. Hey Alex! It’s good to see that the way you see yourself lined up with the way other people see you, specifically with being “independent/driven worker” which matches the first two characteristics you listed for yourself. What would you say constitutes your “diverse background” of experiences and how does one of them contribute to skills you’ll need for your venture? Great post! - Juliana

  2. Hello Alex. I am very impressed with your fundamental characteristics. It is also good that these characteristics have remained consistent for your during your entrepreneurial journey. Being collaborative seems to be the key for success in almost all business/philanthropic endeavors. I am glad that you listed that.
