Friday, April 5, 2019

Venture Concept No.1

GEOLINK by Alex Arnau

      My entrepreneurial venture for ENT3003 is a unique innovation called, Geolink. Geolink is a wearable technology that is ran entirely on sustainable and renewable resources. Through my brainstorming and product development, I have proposed two designs for my Geolink wearable technology. The first and original prototype is designed to serve as an emergency communication device that will be reliable and functional during natural disasters and other catastrophic situations. The device will be solar-powered made and made from sustainable resource. It will use simple communication protocols and would be reliable when traditional communication networks are down. One major component of this device would be the fact that the minimal design would allow and compel me to sell the product at a price far below the price for competing wearable technologies. This reason is to engage market activity in developing and developed countries in a variety of social classes. Due to the fact that there is a variety of natural disasters occurring at unpredictable moments around the globe, this product has the potential to be demanded by many individuals and families.


  1. Alex, this update shows a lot of growth from your more older posts. You seem to have developed an accurate and realistic implementation of your concept. Being solar powered is a really good idea. Many more people can benefit from your idea, especially since it deals with more isolated individuals.

  2. Hey Alex! I agree that one of your greatest selling points, or in fact your unfair advantage, is it’s minimal design which would make it competitive. Also, I love the mission of your product to help individuals of all socioeconomic classes, around the globe. Building systems and providing resources that are sustainable is so needed because it ensures that we can be independent and resourceful.
