Friday, January 18, 2019

Alex Arnau's Opportunity Belief

Our Earth’s Opportunity

      There is a strong opportunity that is growing stronger every single day on our earth.
This opportunity is directly related to the interactions between humankind and the planet.
I believe that this opportunity is specifically about the conservation of natural resources.

      At the current rate of human development and industry; the people on this planet will foresee rapid and extreme changes of Earth's environmental quality. We are on the track to experience detrimental climate change, unbearable atmospheric conditions, and a huge loss of vital biodiversity. Every living thing that exists on our planet is at risk. Our own selfish desires, and never-ending cravings for living standards that are way passed basic comfort will continue to speed up this process. I am absolutely sure that positive changes in our interactions with the Earth, specifically within the development of natural energy systems will drive beneficial opportunity. In this case (Solar Cars).

     Prototypical Costumer #1: An automobile factory for gas-consuming vehicles

     Iteration #1:

     - Where can you benefit most by switching to solar power and who can benefit most?
     - How much waste is disposed by your company and is it disposed properly?
     - How much marginal and opportunity costs will change if the energy is switched to clean?
     - How much of the surrounding area is affected by pollutants before and after the switch to clean           fuel?

     Reflection: There is a clear demand for new 'green' technologies and its uses today and in the future. The automobile industry is one of the main contributors to global pollution, and it is solely revolved around the power and energy use to fuel the vehicles. The majority of people in our country own their own car, and if every single car was switched away from gasoline, we could see tremendous benefits to our environmental quality.

     Prototypical Costumer #2: A physical charcoal power plant

     Iteration #2:
     - Where can you benefit most by switching to solar power and who can benefit most?
     - How do you typically handle changes in the coal and natural gas market?
     - Who is most negatively affected by the consumption of fossil fuels
     - Who benefits the most from the consumption of fossil fuels?
     - What are you currently doing to satisfy an over-demand or an under-demand of your service?

     Reflection: Between the interaction with my first and second costumers, I have noticed that the opportunity of change that I have presented has a broad purpose that can certainly help even the people who are damaging the Earth the most. This is something that excites me and makes me want to pursue the opportunity to everyone who can be positively affected.

      Prototypical Consumer #3: Tesla Automobiles

     Iteration #3:

      - Where can you benefit most by switching to solar power and who can benefit most? 
      - What is the projected outlook in the future of barrels of oil saved by switching to electric motor?
      - What are the biggest obstacles in the process of overtaking the gas and auto industries?
      - What percentage of your employees are critically concerned about their carbon emissions and             when did they realize it?

      Reflection: There are like-minded corporations and industries that are immensely concerned about the future of our planet. Companies with like-minded goals as such should definitely work together to make a substantial environmental profit before they focus their attention on the money profit.

Summary: The overall need for the opportunity of conserving natural resources is still present and is actually growing larger every day. I attest that the opportunity is indeed accurate and evident. The ozone layer is depleting, seasonal temperatures continue to fluctuate, and natural disasters are becoming more common than they were in the past. There is definitely a substantial cost associated with switching the clean energy and it is scaled large enough that it could potentially affect entire economies and trade agreements around the entire world. These practices should certainly be adapted because the cost will be exponentially higher when it becomes too late to make a difference.


  1. This is the second post today relating to renewable energy and that makes me happy. Solar cars are interesting and I believe the Solar Gators here on campus are experimenting with those. I definitely recommend helping out with their efforts. I believe they are competitive nationally and could use all the help they can get. I personally am also scared for the future and hope that other people will jump on board with this subject.

  2. I love that your opportunity has to deal with renewable energy. I have seen the shift in campus towards becoming more green, solar. You are right that there is a demand for more green technology, especially in the auto industry. It is great that you have such a strong passion fueling your endeavor.
